AMV Metall also operates in Sweden, in Uppsala! A new Ford service center is coming up on Anna Fabrisgata street! The object includes approx. 120T of steel elements, among them: HQ beams, girders, posts, ties, diagonals and roof trusses In addition to the main structures, a ramp located on the side of the building is also built by AMV Metall. The ramp weighs 60T and the coating is hot-dip zinc! In our production, all the steel elements of the main structure were first coated with a primer and then with a fire retardant coating according to R60. The fire rod protects the steel from the heat generated by the fire and prevents the steel from losing its strength properties. The steel works in such a way that it begins to expand with heat and due to this creates a so-called buffer zone between the heat and the steel. The fire barrier was installed by our good partner Tefire OÜ! The client at the Ford site is SR Construction OÜ and Ängby Byggnads AB
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